This February we bring back a favorited video series celebrating Valentine’s Day!
Each week we will release one filmed play creatively shot that explores the most universal and mystical human experience: LOVE.
Timeless love blooms until they find out each other’s ages and a Pandora’s Box is opened.
Directed by: Valerie Adami Juhlin, Featuring: Timothy Paul Jobe & Susan Richard
“Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. What a GREAT job the directors and actors did. Taking their time to realize every moment and not rushing for the laugh line was superb.” – Alan Magill, Playwright, Age Old Question
POTION OF LOVE by Jodi Antenor
Raychelle has had a lot of trouble in her dating life and she seeks out a Tarot Reader to find a shortcut to her problem. But it turns out, the Tarot Reader’s life depends on Raychelle’s decision to drink the potion. In fact, she’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen!
Directed by: Peter Burford Featuring: Valerie Adami Juhlin & Jasmine Spiess
“Love Potion was riveting with an ending I did not see coming!”
-Alan Magill, Playwright
PERSONAL BEST by Rachel Carnes
Tony is a Keto-fixated, does burpees all day, sickeningly fit guy. Kay has developed a pandemic relationship with cheesy popcorn. Maybe love?
Directed by: Valerie Adami Juhlin Featuring: Brad Makarowski & Valerie Mitchell
MARJ’S SUNSET by Cathrine Goldstein
Marj, who is caring for her aging husband, Art, a once famous artist who is now suffering from early-onset dementia. When Marj realizes that Art is painting for the first time in years, she allows herself a rare moment of joy. Art’s final reveal shows how true love triumphs, even in the bleakest of situations.
Directed by: Valerie Adami Juhlin Featuring: Colin Dwyer & Cathy Gale

Jodi Antenor (she/her) is an emerging playwright living in Florida. She currently writes poems and plays that are influenced by her life. Her topics include: life as a black woman, relationships with loved ones, and even a little bit of tarot reading! Poetry is her passion, but she loves to write plays as well. She is also a founding member of Whiskey Theater Factory, a theater collective for emerging and untapped voices. They focus on bringing voices of color, women, and the LGBT communities to the spotlight! Instagram: @jodi.antenor TikTock: @sargejojo

Rachael Carnes received a 2020 Oregon Literary Fellowship, a 2020 Oregon Arts Commission Career Opportunity Grant, a 2021 Lighthouse Writers Workshop Advanced Dramatic Writing Fellowship, is the recipient of the 2021 Jane Stevens Award for Theatre and has had productions of her work across the U.S., U.K., the Middle East, Canada and Asia, with invitations to develop work at the Inge Theatre Festival, the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Playwriting Intensive, the Midwestern Dramatists Center Conference, the Mid-America Theater Conference, the American Association for Theatre in Higher Education New Play Development Series, the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, the Lighthouse Writer’s Workshop, the Great Plains Theatre Conference and the Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Festival. Rachael is the new play development coordinator for KDC Theatre, London, a representative for the Dramatist Guild, and founder of #CodeRedPlaywrights, an artistic collective dedicated to writing plays in response to gun violence. Her work is seen in many literary journals, and was nominated for a 2020 Pushcart Prize. Rachael and her family live in Oregon.

Cathrine Goldstein is a many-time bestselling novelist & award-winning playwright. Most recently, her play, “What Good Did We See Today?” a winner of the 2nd Act Players Spring Festival, was nominated for Best Streaming Play 2021 by Broadway World Chicago. Cathrine’s poetry, short stories, and blog posts have been widely published. Her work has been featured on CNN, HLN; AOL; Jane Radio, and many additional television and radio shows. She is also a prolific ghostwriter. Cathrine holds a Master’s Degree in Theatre History, and is a member of Dramatists Guild. Instagram:@authorcathrinegoldstein Facebook:@AuthorCathrineGoldstein Twitter:@cathrinegold

Alan Magill is a playwright who considers himself most fortunate to work with good creative talent, including BAL for a previous reading. He has had numerous productions and readings and is very happy that he does Zoom readings of his plays from Ateret Avot Senior Home where he is Director of Activities. The plays go out to two Holocaust survivor groups.
Cast and Creative: