Farm Hall*
By David C. Cassidy
*Produced as part of Break A Leg’s “In The Works” play development series.
July 15, 19 & 20, 2014
World Premiere: Full Production featured as part of the 2014 Midtown International Theatre Festival
Directed by Gerald vanHeerden
With: Scott Glascock, Kevin Hauver, Keith Herron, Terrence Keene, Miller Lide, Terrance Montgomery, Susan Richard, James Reade Venable
“My thanks to everyone at Break A Leg for all of the hard work. It really paid off. An outstanding show. Everyone I talked to loved it. I’m so glad for Break A Leg.” – David & Janet Cassidy
“Congrats to all! Great night had… You pulled off an ambitious and engaging piece of theatre. Story and acting were both quite gripping… Will Spread the word!” — Thomas Campbell Jackson
“I was very impressed by the quality of the Farm Hall performance. The acting was first rate, as was the play itself.” – Ben Bederson, Professor Emeritus, NYU